Commonwealth Flipper Warns Tough Times For eBay Sellers

Commonwealth Flipper

Commonwealth Flipper is one of the most popular YouTube resellers. His videos are a wealth of information overflowing with valuable insight into the world of reselling. 

In this episode, the Commonwealth Flipper cautions that the summer of 2024 will be a challenging environment for resellers. Higher inflation, a glut of new resellers crowding the market, and a Presidential election will all play their part in the dreaded eBay summer slowdown.

Related: How to Calculate Sell Through Rates on eBay

However, the news isn’t all bad.

The economic downturn will be an excellent opportunity to purchase inventory for a discount if you have cash on the sidelines. 

How are you going to play this opportunity?

Do you have the cash flow to spend on inventory? 

Are you one of the many resellers struggling to get by?

Let me know in the comments how you feel about the Commonwealth Flipper warning. 

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